How to Build a Content Strategy + Set a Course for 2024

The term ‘content strategy’ gets thrown around A LOT. It’s evolved to the status of marketing jargon, defined differently by different professionals.

So, it’s no surprise that many leaders aren’t exactly sure what a content strategy is - or how to build one.

If you can relate to any of this, then you’re in the right place. We’re going to help you make 2024 the year your content strategy comes to life. But first, let’s clear the haze surrounding the term ‘content strategy.’ 

A content strategy is a path - a road that leads you from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. The tricky part is knowing where it is you want to end up. Which is why any smart content strategy starts with the end in mind - your business goals.

6 Steps for Building a Content Strategy with Impact

Step 1: Define Your Business Goals - Then Write Them Down

Where do you want your business to be when you ring in the next new year? 

Perhaps your goal is to 2X quality leads, boost brand awareness, expand into a new market, drive in-store traffic, or build your online community. 

Once your goals are clear, get analog and write them on sticky notes, a whiteboard, or whatever will hit you in the face when you walk into your office each day. 

Why? Because your goals are about to drive every content decision you make. Identify them and then make them impossible to ignore.

Step 2: Build Your Content Pillars

If you could boil a content strategy down to one page, that page would be an image of your content pillars. 

As the name suggests, content pillars are categories of content that serve as the foundation of your brand’s content marketing strategy. Together, your content pillars should embody your brand’s story, goals, values, and differentiators.

I generally aim for 3-5 pillars per organization. Any more than five and things begin to get messy. 

For a deep dive into content pillars, check out our feature article on the Beam Consulting blog, “How to Use Content Pillars to Set Your Nonprofit Content Strategy on Solid Ground.”

Step 3: Craft Your Messaging Strategy

Your messaging strategy gets layered on top of your content pillars. Now that you’ve identified the areas of your business your content will be built upon, it’s time to determine how you’ll speak to your audience.

Here, it’s crucial to scrutinize where your brand’s values and your audience’s desires intersect. Those are the areas where you bring value and are most likely to connect with your customers.

Step 4: Get Comfortable Telling Your Story

Brands no longer get to choose whether they tell their story. It’s a non-negotiable if your goal is to connect with your audience. Sharing your story is how you make connections that build trust. And it’s trust that drives revenue in the short term and loyal customers in the long term.

Find ways to tell your company story that feel authentic to you and your team. Storytelling can take many forms, from team member highlights on your social channels to live interviews with customers or industry influencers. 

The right recipe for storytelling content starts with understanding how integral your story is with your goal and then assessing your team’s capacity to create great stories. When in doubt, always choose quality over quantity!

Step 5: Choose the Right Channels at the Right Times

It's time to play matchmaker with content and channels. Start by researching where your target audience likes to get information or consume news. For some, it may be social media, podcasts, or YouTube videos. Others may prefer streaming news channels or long-form news articles. Tailor your content distribution strategy to meet them where they are so your content creates the intended impact.

Step 6: Create a Detailed Content Calendar

I can’t overstate the importance of this step! A content calendar is where your content strategy takes shape. Without one, your strategy will get lost in the hustle and bustle of busy days, and you’ll end up with sporadic content that strays from your pillars.

There are lots of great options for how you calendar your content. I’ve used Trello, Airtable, Google Sheets, Notion, and other tools. There’s no perfect tool - try a few and see which works best for you and your team. 

Tip: I like to make color-coded tabs on my calendars that correspond to my content pillars. By tagging each piece of content on the calendar, I can give my content schedule a quick glance and know if I have content for each pillar covered.

You’re Ready to Kick-Start Your Content Strategy!

It all starts with your 2024 goals. Plaster your goals on the wall, build those pillars, craft your message, develop your story, choose the right channels, and assemble your calendar. Then, execute knowing your content strategy is set to drive results and move your business forward.

If you’re looking for some added muscle as you develop your content strategy, we’re here to help. Let’s chat!